2024 PNWIS Conference

Air Sciences had a significant presence at the 2024 PNWIS Annual Conference, held November 12–15 in Eugene, Oregon. The conference is the signature event of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air & Waste Management Association. This year, Air Sciences was proud to be a platinum conference sponsor.


The conference was chaired by Katie Kolesar, one of our principal air quality scientists who was recognized for her contributions to PNWIS representing Air Sciences. Lyndsey DeMarco, senior quality scientist, and data analyst chaired the Wildfire Impact session and presented on the Smoke IMpact Assessment System (SIMAS) – an algorithm to assess the likelihood of ground-level smoke from wildfires; Air Sciences has been working on SIMAS this year with the Denver Metro Regional Air Quality Council. Casey Fee, senior air quality engineer, gave a professional development talk about Excel best practices and delivered a presentation titled “Out of Sight, Not Out of Compliance: Advice for Folks New to Remote Support.” She also chaired the “Trends in Air Monitoring & Regulations” session. Will Skorski, who leads Air Sciences’ field operations team at Owens Lake, was also on hand to discuss Air Sciences’ capabilities.

Our team of scientists and engineers appreciated the opportunity to discuss Air Sciences’ diverse air quality consulting capabilities regarding permitting and compliance, wildfire analyses, ambient air quality monitoring services, and additional Air Sciences services with other conference attendees. These services support a wide variety of industries and projects including wildfire smoke litigation, dust assessment/mitigation, mobile source modeling, and air quality permitting and compliance (mining, oil and gas, power generation, manufacturing).

The following Air Sciences presentations are available for download:
• “Developing an Algorithm to Assess the Likelihood of Ground-Level Smoke
• “Remote Compliance

We look forward to seeing you all again in 2025.

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